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11th Annual PC for Veterans Donation Drive! | Bradenton PC Repair News

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11th Annual PC for Veterans Donation Drive!

Bradenton PC Repair
Posted: 08-07-2017
Naz Morris of Bradenton PC Repair donating a computer to a veteran for free.

It is that time of the year again.

This will be our 11th year accepting donations for Veterans!

Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past, it is thanks to you all that we can keep this program going!

Bradenton PC Repair and Last 7 Studios have partnered with the Veterans of America Hospital at Bay Pines, Goodwill Manasota and the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital to put computers in the hands of veterans.

Those interested in providing veterans with computers can drop off their old laptops and desktop computers at Bradenton PC Repair, 6703 14th St. W., starting Friday and running through the end of the year.

The devices don't have to be in working order, either.

Typically, the old electronics end up in a drawer for years or worse in a landfill somewhere and benefit no one, in most cases these devices can be cleaned up and/or upgraded to benefit someone in need.

Donors who participate in the computer driver will receive coupons for one free diagnostic and a free repair (excluding parts) at Bradenton PC Repair.

All donations will be wiped of old data to ensure safety and privacy and then given to veterans.

This is the eleventh year the shop has accepted donations and officials say they've been able to assist more than 600 families.